Post 9: Changes to my study programme

Hello everyone <3 today I will talk about future changes in my career, food engineering. everything changes a lot over time and careers are no exception.

In 10 more years, the career may be super different from what it is today , the food industry has much to advance.

As for the curriculum, can be shortened, eliminating courses not so necessary, for example, the first course near the career is an introduction to food engineering, can be removed from the program, or at least improve it, and they should implement the requirement in the languages.
In the future food engineers, like all professionals, will work with machines, even more than the current ones, that's more in the industrial field, in the laboratory, there will be many more facilities, and therefore, innovation will be much more efficient.
As for the faculty and its infrastructure the laboratories should be more advanced there must be a dining room, let's hope, and suppose the in general, rooms and common spaces will be improved, the building can be bigger, they could increase the space of the faculty, or change their location.
The technology will allow a greater optimization of the time, experiments the might last an hour, may last much less, the information will be better managed. Beside giving many more facilities with the accuracy of the measurements.
The education system will change a lot, based on prioritizing online classes, class time will be used more efficiently and maybe the days aren't as heavy as they are now.

And that it's all, bye <3


  1. i liked ur post, but need more hate against the system. Bye </3

  2. I also think that the careers are very longer

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The changes in the study programme was supposed to help us the degree in the corresponding year...

  5. Yes, there are many things that need improvement.


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