Post 5: Your New Job.

Hi everyone.

How are you?

The work that I want to have, has to be something more related to administration and economics, I have always liked a little more the subject of administration, even more than laboratories, I like them, but I could not dedicate my life to that.

I do not think I can work in an enclosed space, I would like to have an office and travel often, like congresses and that kind of thing, it's difficult, but it's what I really want.

I have also thought that I want to get a post-degree in nutrition and dedicate myself to be a nutritionist, it was my main idea in school but I'm afraid of blood and that's why I discard it.

As for salary, I want to be multimillionaire, hopefully, I'll settle for living comfortably, while
I have to live in peace will be fine.
Yes or yes I want a post-degree in administration or nutrition as I said. Or study a technician in business administration, evening to work at the same time, and so dedicate myself if or if to management.
As long as my work has science and mathematics I will like it.
So that, never say never, stay strong, be happy and etc.
That's all bye.


  1. I would like to be multimillonaire too :'(

  2. I don't like the administration :( I think that is so booooring

  3. I prefer laboratory, but If you like administration is pretty cool.

  4. I prefer an entrepreneurship, it'd be great! Wish you the best in your proyects!


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