Post 6: Ph.D

Hello everyone.

I think is very difficulty speak about the future, never we will can know what happen in the future, and the plans can changes in a second, I can hardly with my career now and I don't know, but I have a lot of differents plans, all of them likes me, but the time decides.

About the masters or postgraduates, we, foods engineers, have a lot of options to choose, in a differents areas, personally I like the administration, the industry, that's why I would like take the post title "Organizational management for operational excellence and process optimization".

Go to another country for study could be, but not it's my plan, I'm very bad with languages, I can barely with Spanish, but I would do it for the experience, is necessary know another language and study out of the country, I would like to go to study in the USA or Europe.

I would do a course part-time, complementary with my work.

In another case, if I can't do the post title the organizational management, I would do the masters of nutrition and foods, I always wanted to be nutritionist, but I see more future in the other course.

A lot of things be interesting, but the first thing is to finish my career, and it's harder than you think.

And that's all, bye <3. 


  1. I also think that is very difficulty talk about the future, that's why it cost me so much to make this blog

  2. My idea is also to travel to another country to study and refine me, maybe we could find us there :O

  3. You have to take risks in your life! Go on!


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